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Maintenance Planning & Scheduling

Maintenance Excellence is requisite to the achievement of World-Class Operations (an organization that is competitive with the best in the world).Planning and scheduling is basic of a work management system. Well-planned, properly scheduled, and effectively communicated jobs accomplish more work, more efficiently, and at a lower cost. Maintenance organizations everywhere have the responsibility to assure optimum use of the capacity of an enterprise.

A work management system is required to control the maintenance process. Ideally, this is a computerized maintenance management system, an enterprise asset management system, or a maintenance module in an enterprise resource planning system

Effective Maintenance Planning and Scheduling, and Maintenance Work Management is critical if control is to be gained over maintenance activities.

On site and on-the-job training and implementation of a better work management process is – combined with a good condition based preventive maintenance program and an up to date accessible bill of materials – the most important process used to enable people to become more productive.

A good Planning and scheduling requires attention on the following parts:

–          Planning and scheduling teams

–          Maintenances work priorities

–          Backlog management

–          Direct Part purchase management

–          Planned parts managements

–          Rebuild parts managements

–          Spare part identification

–          Store part review

–          Job Plan development

–          Work order execution time estimation

–          And etc


Our service to your company for Achieving beter planning and sschedule then improving your ability ti work management is :

  • Training planner
  • Consaltanting in work management improvement project