RCM2™ Introductory Course
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to RCM2™ (RCMII™) and its principles. It is intended for those who are interested in understanding what RCM2 is and how it can be applied to define technically based maintenance and reliability programs.
The application of RCM2 challenges the traditional approach to equipment maintenance by moving you from a breakdown and repair mentality to a culture of asset management. Not only does it revolutionize views about maintenance but also about how maintenance, operations and engineering should work together to drive asset performance. RCM2 leads to a far broader and deeper understanding of the organization’s assets and provides a structured way to formally capture and transfer that knowledge to the rest of the asset stakeholders.
This introduction to RCM2 redefines your understanding of maintenance management and will completely transform the way that maintenance and operations people view the development of maintenance programs and their roles and responsibilities in that process. This course applies best practices in answering the seven questions of RCM2 using a real life, case study approach. The participants will explore the techniques required to define a maintenance program in a logical and structured way that recognizes the hidden, safety, environmental and operating consequences of failure.
By Participating You Will:
- Develop a greater awareness of the importance of asset failure consequences and how to manage them in an effective way.
- Learn the RCM2 language and its importance to maintenance, operations and engineering and their understanding of equipment operation and maintenance.
- Be able to evaluate maintenance and operational strategies that are technically feasible and worth doing while maximizing safety and environmental compliance.
- Be prepared to participate in an RCM2 analysis session as a subject matter expert.
This course is a prerequisite for anyone who plans to attend the Advanced PAMCO RCM™ Facilitator training or participate in the PAMCO RCM Certified Facilitator Program.
Recommended Participants:
- Plant Managers
- Operators
- Maintenance trades
- Planners, Schedulers
- Operations Managers, Supervisors
- Maintenance Managers, Supervisors
- Engineering Managers
- Engineers
- Understanding of equipment maintenance and operations
Course Materials:
- Textbook: RCMII by John Moubray
- Case Studies
- RCM2 Decision Diagram
- Exercises and Solution Sets
Course Options:
- Hold an exclusive course at your facility for your employees
- Host a course at your facility for your employees and invite participants from other companies
- Attend a public course hosted by a member of The PAMCO Network
RCM2™ Executive Overview
Some organizations think of maintenance management as merely an annoying cost center activity rather than one that leads to solid financial improvements. The fact is, moving to an overall asset management approach using RCM2™ principles can help drive optimal equipment performance, which translates directly into bottom line business improvements.
This overview introduces executives to the intricacies of modern asset management so that they are best prepared to actively sponsor an asset performance improvement initiative. Roles and responsibilities within a reliability improvement initiative are examined and the keys to success are discussed along with the review of actual case studies.
RCM2, the standard in Reliability Centered Maintenance, and its derivatives are introduced. Discussions revolve around how these provide the framework necessary to develop a sensible and defensible asset management program. Physical asset management through RCM2 also forms the framework for a successful culture change for management, maintenance, operations and engineering. Correctly applied, RCM2 achieves greater safety and environmental integrity, improved operating performance and profitability, higher maintenance cost-effectiveness, and longer useful life of physical assets.
By Participating You Will:
- Be introduced to the fundamental principles of Reliability Centered Maintenance.
- Learn how reliability can contribute to your overall business success.
- Gain direction in how to best achieve improved and sustainable asset performance results.
- Have a better understanding of your role as an executive sponsor.
- Acquire knowledge to help make informed decisions in support of your asset management strategies.
Recommended Participants:
- Executive Management
- General Managers, Directors
- Plant Managers
- Operations Managers
- Maintenance Managers
- Engineering Managers
Business interest in Reliability Centered Maintenance
Course Materials: Introduction to RCM2 booklet